Jamie, The Spa Coach ™️here. I am honored to be your cheerleader, teacher, and business coach if you are in the spa or wellness field.
With 25 years in the beauty and hospitality industry, I am here to give you personable and accessible coaching to help you grow and make gains in your business. I offer help through the The Spa Coach ™️podcast, virtual one-on-one live calls, and online in-depth training.
Having a business accountability partner- in your case, a spa coach, will help you stay focused on your goals. Owning a business can feel lonely, and being in community is a main component of success. I invite you to say hello below and tell me a bit about you. I will reach back out personally and say hello back. Connecting with a fellow spa sister is something I look forward to.
Do you offer coaching? I’m stuck.
To be transparent, my initial vision was to have my podcast rolling for several months first before offering coaching. However, the show’s success happened and the support was tremendous. I had so many messages from listeners asking me to coach them one-on-one.
I am proud to be coaching you and am available to book coaching calls (via Zoom). I am coaching some incredible, brave women who just needed a little encouragement and laser focusing.
Also, I have launched my first of many books for spa owners. Important note: This isn’t the $19 “guide” that is a copy and paste of all these creators and influencers trying to make a quick buck on Insta. I take helping people too seriously. Your success and the integrity of our industry depend on it.
I would love to talk with you over a call, and get started on coaching you through your next stages of growth for your business.

I share this story because I need you to know that I have been there, wherever you are now.
I’ll start with now and go backwards, it’s more fun that way.
2025: Official launch of The Spa Coach™️ mentorship and private coaching, my spa is on track to do 7 figures this year, with over 3,500 clients served. I rarely do treatments myself, when I do though, I delight in donating services to military members, first responders, cancer warriors, and teachers. 2024: Podcast launch, CEO of a massage and facial spa with staff of ten, helped raise over $15,00 for local non-profits. 2023: Ran for City Council, selected President of my local main street association, spa is growing, hosting community wine walks with over 500 people. 2022: spa continues to win awards for Best Spa in town, membership is launched, and we hit six figures. 2021: I hire my 1st employee, a massage therapist. We win our first award. I join the downtown association board.
2020: I change my business name from “Lashes & Esthetics” to “SPA” knowing that someday, I will own a day spa and work with massage therapists. A month later, pandemic Covid shutdowns in Washington State were strict. Survival mode- I was a single mom of two boys, selling plasma to pay the light bill as it was, renting a tiny 8x8 studio in a hair salon. I remember weeping on the floor just hearing the first announcement of two weeks of closures. Then, I felt a strange sense of calm wash over me. Within seconds, I had clients texting “Jamie, just charge my card. Take care of your family. You always take care of me.” I began selling donated clothing to pay rent on eBay. Then I found out I was getting a government loan and small grant. I “should have” stayed where I was others urged me and kept on going in my little studio. But a voice inside my heart said “This is your opportunity to grow. Just jump, girl.” And I did just that. Moving from a 60 sq. foot studio to an 1800 sq. foot historic downtown building, armed with ambition and a very small check, I negotiated, asked for donations, bartered, and worked myself to the bone. I pulled all-nighters painting and ripping out old carpet. I designed the entire layout and a rebrand from scratch. I made 20,000 get 100,000 worth of renovations done through sheer willpower of knowing if I failed, there was nothing to go back to.
I opened in a not-so-grand fashion, alone, in my empty and echoing (but beautiful) spa in the autumn after an entire summer of closure. After winning a petition I started in my state fighting for esthetician’s rights to give facials with safety guidelines. I was hopeful. Then a few months passed, with me trying desperately to hire a massage therapist, and seeing no one that wanted to work again after being on unemployment. In the final hour, just when I thought it would all end, I found her. The start of my team. The same week a stranger donated $3000 to my business. Another stranger loaned me $3500.
I cannot explain the rollercoaster of emotions I felt in 2020. I can tell you I was an absolute bursting ball of gratitude, ready to help my hometown and give back to as many people I could. I will never let a day go by without helping a neighbor, or forget what that was like.
2019: I worked as a lead esty for a franchise, with no time freedom for my children, and barely making it. I became a lash apprentice and had my “side hustle” and a goal of 30 home clients saved on my phone wallpaper.
How did 30 home clients become 3,500 and counting? I grew faster than perhaps the average spa owner due to miracles and grit. I believe in both, especially when you know where to look. I want to help you find yours.
2005: I became an esthetician. In the last twenty years, I have worked for published salon owners, five-star hotels and restaurants. I have designed three brand new spas. I have been a permanent makeup artist, waxing teacher, esthetics instructor, wedding and fashion show stylist, event planner, amateur sommelier, lash artist, holistic aesthetician, laser technician, cosmetic manager at a fine department store, makeup artist, concierge, bartender, barista, nursing student, and clothing reseller. Out of necessity, I taught myself social media mastery, website design, podcasting, event planning, and more. All of my past skills merge together here and now, as I help develop students into launching for the first time, and witness and celebrate CEOs of larger teams find their footing and the next level for success. To me, success is doing what we love, serving the community, and enjoying financial and time freedom so that we can leave a legacy.

The Podcast
The word “podcast” kept popping into my head at random times and middle of the night leading up to that morning. The day I launched The Spa Coach podcast last November, I had a vision so strong that was borderline annoying until I acted on it. So, I literally learned how to post/edit a podcast, recorded in one take, and launched my Facebook and Instagram all in the same day. I realized there had to be a reason that NOW was the time. If there is anything about my career I have learned, it is to listen and take swift action to the ideas that won’t go away.
So far, I have received support from around the world and connected with spa sisters from the States to South Africa, tiny islands in the Bahamas to big state of Texas. After just two episodes, a health scare froze me in my tracks and had me recommit to my own self-care routine. As I reached 40th birthday Feb 27, I am going into the next four decades more resilient and excited than ever. I love this podcast and its ability to reach and help so many women in our industry.
Your tribe has arrived.
Collaborate, learn, share, laugh, and grow with a positive, judgement-free safe space of women changing the game of entrepreneurship.
Follow along on social media so you can have a positive account that pops up for you to keep you energized and inspired.